Sunday, December 26, 2010

David Allen Quotes

"Much of the stress that people feel doesn't come from having too much to do. It comes from not
finishing what they've started."

+ David Allen: 
Management consultant, trainer, and author +

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Responsibility - Ability to Respond

 "Take 100% personal responsibility for all your own performance results in life"

In a nutshell, we are personally accountable for our performance outcomes; we are truly responsible for our executed actions & subsequent consequences, & own everything that takes place or shape in our work & in our lives.

"Don’t whine; don't justify; & don't lay blame";
The great Indian leader, Gandhi said this, "you must be the change you want to see in the world";

In reality, & also interestingly, change will happen with or without our personal inputs; so, we might as well exercise our power to choose the extent of change we wish to embrace; & to choose how we allow change to affect us;

"Those who don't change with the times find themselves left behind";

There is nothing permanent, except change. Change or be history.

Don't fight the forces of change; use them;

"The only failure in life is the failure to participate fully in your own life"

What we are personally responsible for is our full participation in the change process. After all, change is inevitable, but growth is optional. Growth is essentially a personal choice. We therefore can participate by the personal choices we make in our lives, & in consideration of the kind of world we serve to create in our living spaces.

"Removal of past mental & or emotional blocks - subconscious negative programing - is the first step to personal success";

As one success guru once said: "We are born to win; but conditioned to fail!"

Interestingly, the subconscious negative conditioning or programming can come from our parents, our teachers/guardians, our bosses, our colleagues, our friends, & sad to say, even our society in general, especially through the mass media

"Clarity is power"

In a nutshell, when we have clarity in our thoughts, we know precisely what matters. When we know precisely what matters, we know where to place our focus, energy & resources.

Getting clear in our minds & then staying that way takes diligent effort as well as personal courage.

"If it's possible in the world, then it's possible for me; it's only a question of strategy";

I have learned over the years, in whatever we do, strategy dictates our success or failure. With the right strategy, everything in life as well as in business is possible.

Start the New Year, with this book '7 Habits' from Stephen Covey and that is one good strategy to embrace in your life pursuits.
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