From the 26th to the 28th of March 2010, I was at a major e commerce seminar where we had successful millionaires sharing success principles with an audience of about 700 + would be millionaires. As I was taking notes a thought came to me “Duplicate don’t Complicate”. All through life we all wish to succeed but some of us don’t and some of us do, why? In my past 7 years of helping and mentoring individuals to succeed I have found that the reason why individuals fail is because we do not want to follow success principles to the letter.
We start and stop, start and stop, start and stop and then quit! While those who succeed stay on the course, stick to the letter of principles and figure out how to get these success principles work for them. We should duplicate success principles, why because it works, that’s why! Countless books have recorded success principles, they are even found in religious books and why are we discounting them. Maybe too much education has made us dumb and we can’t see the simplicity of becoming rich, so we complicate by questioning proven success principles. We start and when it does not work we question the success principle.
Lets use an example like the law of gravity, this principle works right. The earth is 93 million miles away from the sun; it’s exactly where it should be for life to flourish. If the earth is just a 100’000 miles in excess closer or further we either get burnt or frozen to death. Why don’t we question law of gravity because we have either taken it for granted or never questioned its very existence except Isaac Newton and its existence validated. I am sure Isaac Newton must have tested this theory, having done numerous experiments and validated its existence.
In this process of testing theories, success principles have been worked and tested to its existence and proves it works by individuals who have used its principles and share with us through their successes but what they have not shared is the many failures they had to go through and the many corrections they had to make to get the success principle to work.
Napoleon Hill took 20 years of his life to interview 500 + successful individuals and documented 17 success principles and the book is called “The Law of Success”. This book its like a bible of success, subsequently another book was published, which I highly recommend to read before your start to read the bible of success and that is “Think & Grow Rich” and it gives an intro to success principles. This book is a classic and I would recommend that you should re-read this book every year.
Duplicate its principles don’t complicate it, and make constant corrections to make the success principle work and in the process you will figure out what works and what doesn’t. And the answer to success lies in your hands!
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