"Thinking is the hardest work there is that's why so few people engage in it" quote Albert Einstein. In my training experience one of the common characteristics that I find is that most participants refuse to or are just lazy to think or do not have the necessary tools or skills to solve a challenge when they are faced with it and prefer to seek advice or opinion of others which is convenient and can be disasterous. We prefer instant or quick fixes, probably because we live in a society of instant coffee, instant cash, instant noodles and instant answers.
This book gives you an insight and tools to help you succeed. An excerpt from the book; the three most important steps, discovered and rediscovered by virtually every successful person, are these:
- Decide exactly what you want, write it down, and make a plan to achieve it. Decide upon your destination.
- Take action. Launch toward your goal. Step out in faith. Take the first step with no guarantee of success. Take off on your journey.
- Be prepared to make continual course corrections every hour and every day of your life as you fly toward your destination. Expect an inevitable, unavoidable, and unbroken series of problems, difficulties, reversals, setbacks and crises every day and week of your life. Since you cannot avoid them, your aim must be to respond to them effectively.

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