The Science Of Getting Rich, written by Wallace D. Wattles, was first published almost a century ago, and become an immediate success thanks to its revolutionary, but extremely practical approach to achieving financial and personal success.
This prosperity classic has recently been re-discovered for a new generation. The principles of the book are timeless, like all universal laws, and will set you free from financial insecurity, helping you grow as a person and live to your full potential.
The Science Of Getting Rich can do for you today what it has been doing for successful men and women of all ages and from all walks of life for almost a hundred years: making you wealthy by creative thinking. It will teach you to think in a “certain way” so that you attract abundance and prosperity rather than chase it.
As Wallace D. Wattles says:
“Getting rich is not the result of doing certain things; it is the result of doing things in a ‘Certain Way!’”
Discover “the secret” of how to get rich, starting from where you are, with what you already have, and doing what you’re already doing – no matter what your situation. There is a science to getting rich and this book contains the time-tested formula.
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